Guide on How to Find a Research Topic Idea for Your Paper |

How to Come Up With Creative Topic Ideas for Research Papers

The choice of your research topic determines the ease of preparing your paper and also dictates the inspiration you can master as you write your research paper. If you make a poor selection, you may get stuck midway with your paper and fall victim to stress and frustration.

This article will help ensure that you enjoy your academics by selecting a good research paper topic and also offer some research paper ideas to inspire your topic selection.

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What makes researching a topic difficult?

It is good that we discuss some of the pitfalls into which students fall so that you can escape them as you deal with your topic of study.

  1. Selecting a broad research topic

Often, students are inclined to address the topic presented without narrowing their efforts to a specific idea. This often makes the topic unworkable, loading students with too much information than what is required to exhaust the topic within the prescribed word count.

You should narrow your focus to a specific idea within the topic under discussion provided that your research can exhaust the argument within the word count.

  1. Lack of interest in a topic

Although it is paramount to write a research paper, you should not subject yourself to writing a topic from which you find no inspiration. Doing this will result in procrastination and a lack of motivation to work on the paper.

When compounded, the effects of selecting a topic you are disinterested in will result in poor work and thus compromise your final result.

  1. Inadequate resources

Often, students are over-ambitious with their research and thus end up selecting a topic that is too sophisticated to manage within the provided time. Also, others may select a topic that requires complex research methodologies, forcing them to change their topic after most of their time has run down the drain in course of their overambition.

  1. Selecting over-exhausted topics

While it may seem clever to deal with a topic that can easily be researched, settling for a topic that has been covered may limit your paper’s perspective and result in plagiarism. We thus recommend that you select a fresh topic provided you can find resources relating to the ideas that you intend to cover within the paper.

How to choose a research topic: factors to consider

Before settling on a research paper topic, you should put these factors into consideration.

  • Availability of resources

Ensure that your preferred topic can be sated with the available sources and also within the time provided. If your topic requires research, ensure that the research can be done without exceeding the financial budget you’ve been provided.

  • Your interest in the topic

We recommend that you select a topic that piques your interest. This will provide you with the impetus to cover your topic and boost your efforts in research as you scratch your intellectual itch.

How to find a research topic

Good ideas for a research paper are a dime a dozen in each field. However, a good research topic rarely comes to you like an epiphany. Some effort should be put into selecting your topic and gauging its relevance and practicality.

These tips should serve as your checklist when selecting your research topic.

  1. Consult the lecture notes

Often, the research question is usually related to the content you have covered within the course. You should thus consult your lecture notes to determine various topics relating to the research question.

Jot the topic down and analyze how each will fit into your argument. Next, determine the approach you will take to analyze the topic and use these topics as a starting point for your research.

  1. Narrow your topic

Research questions are usually broad statements addressing a topic as opposed to specific questions. Upon receiving your topic, find a small topic relating to the general question and determine how well you can focus research to exhaust the topic within the prescribed word count.

  1. Consult your peers/ instructor

Your friends and instructor are a great resource to guide you on topic selection. Unlike you, these parties are lesser attached to the topic and have more experience with research papers.

You may also consult the librarian as they are a repository of resources and could easily point you to material that could be the breakthrough for your research paper. We recommend that you consult your instructor before you start writing your paper to avoid wasting energy on the wrong topic.

  1. Search various databases

Besides the library, consult various online repositories for material related to your field. You should consider checking related Wikipedia articles and perusing their reference section to determine sources you could use to structure your paper.

Topic ideas for research

  1. A case study on the triggers for drug abuse among teenagers in urban areas
  2. Is corporal punishment a necessary evil in the education system?
  3. The role of the family in helping a patient manage schizophrenia
  4. Why should the bible be viewed as literature?
  5. Analyzing whistleblowing and its impacts

Creative research project ideas

  1. A case study on the impacts of natural and artificial selection
  2. An analysis of the genetic relationship to obesity
  3. Is presidency an obligation, a role, or a privilege?
  4. Is aggression an inborn trait or an acquired trait?

Final take

Writing your research paper does not have to be a hectic task. This article should guide you in selecting your research topic and help you avoid suboptimal ideas. If you are still struggling with your paper, consider engaging our